Forgiveness – What Is It & How Do You Do It?

It’s not a topic often talked about.  From the psychologist’s office though, it is probably true to say that it’s the most necessary thing that client’s often need to do.  Forgive.  Forgive a friend who wronged them, forgive a boss who bullied them, forgive a parent who abused them, forgive an aunt who cheated them, forgive a sibling who upset them.

Why bother with forgiveness?  Is it really just a bit “old hat”, or maybe just a bit “too religious”? […]

What Is Your Basic Life Question?

Ever thought about thinking?  A funny question I know.  But that’s what thinking is.  Thinking is simply the process of asking and answering questions.

Thinking starts from the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night (and sometimes it stops us from going to sleep because we worry or think some more!).  Ever wondered how many questions we might ask ourselves in a single day?  I know it’s not the kind of thing that you’d normally think about, but now that I’ve asked it, what would you guess?  100 questions a day?  1,000 questions a day?  Maybe 5,000 a day?  While it can’t be empirically measured, Dr Wayne Dyer in his book, “Your Sacred Self” has estimated that we ask around 60,000 questions a day!

Now in that myriad of questions that involves both your conscious and unconscious thinking, there is one basic life question that keeps getting asked over and over again.  Did you know that you have a basic life question?  You may or may not know it, but you do.  […]

Anger – How Do You Deal With It?

We all have a tendency now and again to blow our top and rant and rave.  Things just get too much and we really let off steam.  As it happens, where we seem to get angry most often is with members of our family.

Anger though, like all emotions, is a natural human response, but expressing it aggressively can sabotage your relationships, heighten conflict and make you feel poorly.  So how can we manage anger better and reduce our conflicts? […]

Bullying at School: What To Do About It?

Although we know that bullying is common in schools, many teenagers however, will not let on that they are being bullied at school.

Adolescents may not want to say that they are being bullied because:

  • they don’t want to look or sound weak or “pathetic”,
  • they don’t want the parents to go to the school and somehow embarrass them,
  • they don’t want the teachers to know that they can’t handle it,
  • they are afraid of any further retributions if the bully finds out,
  • they don’t want to be seen as a “dobber” getting others into trouble.

Although the adolescent may not tell you initially that he or she is being bullied, typically, there are some signs… […]

Bullying at School: How Common Is It?

How Common is Bullying?

Bullying is an age-old problem.

Research in Australia by Dr Ken Rigby over a number of years where 38,000 students have been surveyed indicates that 15% of children say that they are bullied weekly.  Of these, 5% say that they are not really bothered by it at all, but 10% report feeling distressed, angry or sad as a result of the bullying. […]

Bullies at School: The Background

Who are these bullies and what are they on about?

How do you recognise them?

  • Use their presence (physical & verbal) to intimidate others
  • Bully & bombard
  • Put others down
  • Base their decisions on their personal facts now and not the facts listed in books, libraries, surveys, etc.
  • Have a need to prove they’re right now

What is their basic message? […]