Patience is a Virtue

It was only a small article in “The Advertiser” (Tues, 19th July, 2011), but it caught my eye.

A survey in the United Kingdom found that most of us lose patience after just 2.5 minutes. At that point of 150 seconds, 60% of us began to show obvious signs of annoyance such as muttering and shifting around, and at 5 minutes, half of the 3,000 adults questioned walked away from a queue such as in the Post Office, waiting for a train, or trying to get into a bar because they felt the anger mounting.

Interestingly, one in three rant at strangers if they are made to wait. And 1 in 6 adults admitted to having a row with a shop assistant.

The triggers that get our dander up include the following: […]

The Six Basic Human Needs

“Most people live in survival, not in fulfilment.”
(Tony Robbins)

Much of your happiness and life fulfilment lies in the satisfaction of your basic needs. You have six, in case you didn’t know. Let me tell you about your six basic needs, and let me reiterate that these needs to be satisfied in order for you to find some kind of happiness and some success in life. […]

Practical Tips on Dealing With Stress

In coping with stress and in order to ensure that you take preventative measures (prevention is better than cure!), there are a number of things you can physically do.  Remember though, that:

  • “Rome wasn’t built in a day” (ie., results won’t happen overnight),  and
  • Self-discipline is not a dirty word! (it’s an asset to success)


What Is The Worst Kind of Unfinished Business? Resentment!


  • Its futile. Its destructive, and its blinding.  Of all the futile and destructive emotions to which human beings are prey, perhaps the most universal and the worst kind is resentment.  This universal emotion though does have its “rewards”.  It assures us of our own importance.  It also allows us to hang onto our image of ourselves as fundamentally “good” — whatever our actual behaviour.


Life Purpose – The Eternal Question

How is it that people are now openly talking more about one topic in particular?  Is it just me?  I suspect not.  I’ve certainly observed increasing numbers of my clients asking what might be called “eternal questions”.  “What am I here for?”,  “What legacy can I leave behind?”,  “What contribution can I make to the world?”, “How can I be of service?” and “What is my life purpose?” […]