Volunteering Can Give You An Edge

Volunteering your time and energy not only means that you are giving of yourself and growing personally, it also means that you are getting an edge in the employment stakes.  Going beyond yourself and leaving a legacy is a real virtue, but there is also a side spin-off in that it sets you apart in the employment market. Try it out…what have you got to lose? […]

UK Rocks, But For All the Wrong Reasons

Early August has seen unprecedented rioting in the UK, first in London and then spreading to other parts such as Birmingham and Manchester. But this was rioting and looting with a difference; a big difference. Yes, it might have been started by the police shooting of a drug dealer in Tottenham, but the rioters in other parts of England had no concern for that particular situation.

Now that the carnage and anarchy has subsided, the real questions are being asked. […]